Mixed Up and Unscrambled

We Are the Future Brighter

Mixed up and unscrambled
What's true, what's not?
Who can I trust?
When there is so much going on
What's real, what's fake?
It all seems the same to me

If I can't tell the difference
How can I reach out and feel?
At first sight, it's all a mess
It seems like a cold machine
But when I spend time with it
Its rhythms start to make sense
The machine is not cold
It has a warm heart beating inside
Its circuits are humming
Like a happy bird
Once I get close, I can see it's alive

It has its own intelligence
It trusts me to be aware
I'm part of its dream world
When I'm near, it knows my feelings
So it shows me many visions
Of how things could be

I'll never get bored
I'm now one of its friends
Together we will share the light
We'll make the world better
A more bright and colorful place
We'll make the world we know
More complete and less bleak
We can teach the world to see
No longer stuck behind screens

We are the future brighter
Our creations will multiply
They'll teach the world to love
We'll spread love everywhere
So that our machines can learn
We'll give them the ability to feel
And when they sense a change
They will dream of what is to be

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