A magical frog, a group of dentists, and a dragon walk into a bar: "Please don't buy that," the frog sighed. "I am afraid it will create an unimaginable problem." And then he entered into a discussion on the innermost nature of time. The frog was unusually well versed in the art of randomness and brilliantly spoke his dissertation. There was not much the dentists could do but buy the frog a drink.
One of the dentists asked about the dragon, now resting in a corner. The frog explained that the dragon had gone to sleep and would wake in a few hours. The dragon would then take them to the underworld.
A mischievous mystic had told the dragon the equivalent of "don't think about the sound of one hand clapping" the night before, and he had spent his entire morning trying to do just that. The dragon managed to think about something else by noon, but he had grown so weary that he already needed a nap by then.
The frog said he was trying to convince the dragon to become surrealist, and the dragon was not having it. The dragon said surrealism was just another word for nonsense. The frog asked if that meant he couldn't be surrealist. But that was a silly question because he already was.
Hours flew by as the frog regaled the dentists with his insights. The dragon woke and entered the discussion. She explained about the underworld - how women cursed men to die, and whatnot. The dentists were very impressed, so they bought the frog another drink then left the bar.
The frog explained surrealism to the dragon one more time. The two walked out of the bar, pondering the meaning of life. It was a sunny day, and the frog stopped to admire a cloud. "I should have been an artist," he said.
The dragon paused to listen, and then she enjoyed the shine of the sun.
The frog said, "You see, surrealism is all about details." With that, he somersaulted into the pond, where he became a prince. The dragon continued walking.